Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2021)

[Previous years' logs: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

Oct 18/2021

August 20/2021

July 16/2021

  • (Had to devote time to getting my Will constructed, plus had out of town family visiting.)
  • Bought a couple of books.

July 3/2021

  • Finally got a chance (under deadline urgency...sigh) to generate some content. I was invited to give a message at a revival at my semi-adopted son's church in Greenville MS [Rev J.D. Yates, Bell Grove M.B. Church]. I am not ordained but he billed me as a 'reverend' I did so, but missed some bullet points from my outline, so I created an additional one here at home--with more detail and more background information of probable interest to readers of the Tank. They can be accessed at the audio sub-site, via this menu

June 5/2021

  • Bought a couple of books.
  • .........................................
  • (the urgent task keeps expanding...but not dropping down in urgency...and increasing in complexity ... I have two inner-circle family members in therapy and wrestling with the issues in THESE books [pdf] in my library... and, in working through them myself, I have noticed a disturbing amount of behaviors of MINE, that are labeled as 'symptoms' of the C-PTSD... starting to see my narrative a bit differently now, and being even MORE amazed at how He got me through it all so far... more later... I intend to write this up when I can...but only after we get further along in their healing ... they are making progress, but they have only just begun the journey... sigh ... one of the better starting points on this, IMO -- mostly for caregivers -- is: Restoring the Shattered Self--A Christian Counselors Guide to Complex Trauma. Heather Davediuk Gingrich. IVPacademic:2013)

Mar 14/2021

  • (the urgent task keeps expanding...but not dropping down in urgency...sigh)
  • Bought a couple of books.

Feb 4/2021

  • (Finished the most urgent task, second one almost done--"so I see relief coming soon"... famous last words!)
  • Bought a couple of books.

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)