-- The Christian ThinkTank (2014)
years' logs:
2009 2008
2007 2006
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002, 2001,
it), and 1995(most
of it).]
Dec 28/2014
Posted an audio file (MP3) of the Christmas 'message'
I shared with my family on Christmas morning, 48minutes / 47MB. (I have been doing these for decades,
but only recorded this one--I have a couple of Easter ones up on the Tank, though, which can be found in the yearly revision logs, around the Easter timeframe.)
Dec 14/2014
Bought a couple of books. Still working on the last part of the big update on the Lukan census, but 'life' is still stealing most of the 'discretionary time slices'....sigh... but may have turned a corner this past month... we will see what the Lord gives...
Sept 6/2014
Finally, finally, FINALLY (sigh) posted Part TWO of the total rewrite of The Lukan Census, Herod, and Quirinius...this one about the grammar/lexical aspects of the text...
Finally updated my prayer requests from a year ago! (can you see one obvious area where I need prayer?--smile)
July 19/2014
Posted a link to the tribute/obituary page of the late Dixie Clark at Nap Clark's Bible Teaching site.
June 22/2014
Finally, finally, FINALLY (sigh) posted Part One of the total rewrite of The Lukan Census, Herod, and Quirinius...
May 16/2014
Bought a couple of books. Still working on a big update on the Lukan census, but 'life' is still stealing most of the 'discretionary time slices'....sigh
April 19/2014
I thought I would share with you, this year's "Easter" message I make for my kids each year
15 minutes, MP4, addressed to my treasured kids,
now posted at the Tank site.
April 13/2014
Posted a fairly large update to the discussion on the definite article in h-almah in Isaiah 7.14 to part 2 of the older "Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah".
March 7/2014
Bought a couple of books, mostly on Biblical Hebrew grammar.
[Somebody questioned my use of Gesenius/GKC on Is 7.14, so I thought I would update that article with all the newer Biblical Hebrew grammars--which agree, btw, with GKC's original/unmodified position. ... I bought all the grammars that were referenced in BH courses in English-speaking Jewish universities and in English-speaking BH departments in other schools.
March 1/2014
Still struggling, day2day... but incremental-but-definite progress over the past two months (thanks mostly to your prayers, obviously).
Just made a minor update to the article on the sequence of events in the hardening spiral of Pharaoh
Jan 14/2014
Still struggling, day2day... difficult, confusing, dissipative time... difficult to center, focus, gather up fragments... must be a time of positive change going on in my life (smile... 'tear down' to 'replant'...sigh).
Bought a couple of books
The Christian ThinkTank...[]