Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2010)
[Previous years' logs: 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]
Dec 9/2010
My dad died on Monday and we had his funeral yesterday.Dec 5/2010
Nov 27/2010
Nov 7, 2010
Nov 6/2010
Just added a small piece on Numbers 15:32ff on "The Death Penalty for Picking up Sticks?!"Oct 31/2010
Oct 13/2010
Sep 10/2010
Added the next 'non-scholarly' article in the series on Jesus' Death, How did Jesus' Companions the Apostles understand what happened at the Cross?
Sept 9, 2010
Aug 31, 2010
Began editing/posting the audio commentary series I led on the Book of Acts DVD. First mp3 sessions just posted.
Aug 16, 2010
Aug 9, 2010
Began posting the audio messages of a current 4-night
Bible Conference, held at Pine Bluff Baptist Church (pastored by
NapClark of
Syllabus and first night audio posted in Audio
Jul 31/2010
Jul 27/2010
Posted a reply to a great pushback about the relevance of literary purpose to omitting stories of "UFO-class" shock-value about "Matthews account of the post-Cross risen saints in Jerusalem?"Jul 26/2010
Added a couple of booksJul 19/2010
Still struggling with travel, workload, family responsibilities...but it looks like it will lighten somewhat for a couple of weeksAdded a couple of books
Added the next 'non-scholarly' article in the series on Jesus' Death, How Did Messiah Jesus explain His death to His disciples?
Jun 17/2010
Still struggling with travel, workload, family responsibilities...Added a couple of books
Added the brochure for Nap Clark's summer camp at
Added 1 GB of translated/dubbed audio lectures in Punjabi and Urdu at and
May 29/2010
Still traveling almost every week...sigh...and finally finished moving from the apt to the house (now trying to paint/clean/sort through all the mass of my parents' things)...haven't had time to do much else...Added a couple of books
Added a couple of prayer requests
Apr 24/2010
I had 11 consecutive weeks of travel in Q1...sigh...and have been moving from the garage apt into the house...doing PT for rotor cuff problem (when in town)...haven't had time to do much else...But began editing/posting the audio commentary series I led on the Gospel of John DVD. First mp3 session just posted. Takes a long time to edit these files and try to adjust the audio...hope it's of value to somebody...
Feb 28/2010
Still travelling on business every week--and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future...sighAdded a couple of books, mostly in prep for an update to the Jesus as Buddha rip-off web-currents...
Feb 12/2010
Been travelling on business every week--and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future...sighAdded a couple of books, mostly in prep for an update to the Jesus as Buddha rip-off web-currents...
Added a fresh picture of me and my grandkids (Feb 6/2010)--in Recent Family Photos
Jan 24/2010
My dad successfully moved/adjusted to an Assisted Living Home a couple of weeks ago (thanks for all you who prayed for us). I have been under the weather all January so far, and job travel requirements have escalated. I do hope to make some progress on the Tank soon. I did finish the second part of the series on the death of Jesus (for a Muslim reader), on "Why did Jesus allow His enemies to mistreat, shame, and execute Him--when He did not have to?".Added a couple of books
Added the text and mp3 from My step-son Cameron's December wedding--in Personal Data
The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)