Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2009)

[Previous years' logs: 2008 2007 2006  2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

Nov 24/2009

My mom passed on to heaven quietly on the morning of Oct 31, 2009. The family wrote memories of her, which were read at the service. We are still challenged with difficult decisions concerning my father's ongoing care, especially concerning possibly moving him to a medical facility. I covet your prayers for wisdom, gentleness, acceptance, and door-opening needed for this to be done with peace of heart for all involved.

Oct 24/2009

Things are still very challenging here at home, with both parents under 24/7 personal care here now. (I appreciate the prayers for help in this confusing and quasi-oppressive time.)

But I was able to finish a research-reply for a Muslim correspondent, on Does the Qur'an or Islam teach that Jesus did NOT die on the Cross? (Part One of a two-part question).

Added a couple of books

Oct 6/2009

No new material, because I have been/am swamped with home health issues (e.g. my Mom here went under home hospice care two weeks ago, and my Dad went into the hospital with pneumonia and heart problems last Monday--and is still there) and heavy business travel (until the health crisis here forced me to cancel some of those). I AM, though, teaching a bible study via Skype 'into' Palo Alto California on the Gospel of John (see the audio/video menu for that) ] but otherwise, I am consumed by the current health needs here. Prayers would be appreciated!

Aug 29/2009

Added an article on Was YHWH just a pagan solar deity IAO?

Added an article on Was Yahweh a member of the Phoenician pantheon?

Added a couple of books

Aug 3/2009

Added an URGENT prayer request to Prayer requests

June 20 /2009

It has been a busy couple of months with incessant business travel, family medical issues, and work on the website. I have several smaller pieces to write/edit/post on the Tank, but it seems to be slow-going this year...

May /2009

May 7/2009

Added a couple of books.

Added an entry for a sweet-hearted Muslim correspondent, on How can Christians believe that there is only one God, and yet still call Jesus the Son of God--not a scholarly piece, but more informal--yet still long-winded (smile) ... [Translations of this into Urdu and Punjabi can be found at].

April 4/2009

Added a couple of books.

Added a couple of smaller questions/entries:

Feb 16/2009

Updated my Prayer requests

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)