Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2008)

[Previous years' logs: 2007 2006  2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

Dec 20/2008

Added more data to the fourth piece on various topics dealing with "Jesus, Paul, and Middle Platonism". This additional data was concerning the 'in the likeness of' passages in Rom and Phil, appended to the end of "Does Hebrews 2.14 say that Jesus' flesh was only 'close to' ours/humans' ?"

Linked some Pakistan domain names [NOW REMOVED / NO LONGER IN SERVICE] to the Punjabi/Urdu site launched earlier:,, and".

Nov 30/2008

Launched a small Punjabi/Urdu website, with translations of just a couple of the Tank articles, at and (both point to the same tri-lingual site).

Nov 9/2008

Posted a second long article (part 2 of 2, dealing with the Church Fathers) on the use of the gospel traditions in first and second century literature [dealing with the position that the NT literature did not appear until 100-150AD], added for the series on Middle Platonism...

[but I haven't even proofed this one for typos yet--much less indexed or linked them in yet...just wanted to get the content 'in play' early... headed on a business trip in a couple of hours--will fix the typos later in the week.]

Nov 2/2008

Posted a long article (part 1 of 2, dealing with the 'non-Fathers') on the use of the gospel traditions in first and second century literature [dealing with the position that the NT literature did not appear until 100-150AD], added for the series on Middle Platonism...

Oct 25/2008

I tried to offer some suggestions on a question about heart-to-heart relationships with God, added to the Mailbag...
Added a couple of books.

Oct 3/2008

Finally added a new entry to the Letters from the man behind the curtain...

Aug 30/2008

Added a couple of books.

Updated my Prayer requests

Aug 10/2008

Added I Corinthians/Spiritual Gifts messages of Nap Clark, at

Aug 7/2008

Added a couple of books.

July 31st/2008

Added a fourth piece on various topics dealing with "Jesus, Paul, and Middle Platonism". This piece was on "Does Hebrews 2.14 say that Jesus' flesh was only 'close to' ours/humans' ?"

July 27th/2008

Added the third piece on various topics dealing with "Jesus, Paul, and Middle Platonism". This piece was on "Did the Jewish War eliminate all the possible counter-witnesses to the life of Jesus in the NT?" (278K)

July 24th/2008

Added a long (130pp?) piece on various topics dealing with "Jesus, Paul, and Middle Platonism" (two sections, each section is 500KB+).

July 8th and 20th/2008

Added a couple of books, several of which I am using in a piece on Paul and Middle Platonism I am almost finished with (like those added on June 11, obviously).

June 20/2008

Added the brochure for the 2008 Ikthoos summer youth camps, at

June 11/2008

Added a couple of books

June 6/2008

I got to teach in a couple of churches this Sunday. The syllabus and audio are at the Audio Lectures page. Look under  Nap Clark's churches, Psalm 6 (at bottom).

May 15/2008

Just did a large update on the Adoption/Solomonic-issues in the genealogies of Jesus piece

Mar 23/2008

Added a piece on "Questions on Mark's Geographical Ignorance... Gadara versus Gerasa, and the Long Trip Home problems"  (1.5MB, since it has several maps)

Just a link to some civic work that used up most of my discretionary time from Jan-March: [LINK REMOVED: / My presentation on my strategic plan for my little town. Hopefully, I will be able now to moderate the time demands between my work, my tank-ministry, and my community service efforts.

Feb 10/2008

Added a small piece on "Isn't an infinite/eternal punishment for a finite/temporal sin-crime a bit disproportionate???!"  (28K)
Added a couple of books

Feb 3/2008

Finally wrote a Tank article (sigh)... just had to take a break from the other 'running late' project... this is not admin-things-ized yet, but it deals with Contradictions in the Infancy Stories (141K). More later, g

Jan 6/2008

I got to teach in a couple of churches this Sunday. The syllabus and audio are at the Audio Lectures page. Look under  Nap Clark's churches, Psalm 5 (at bottom).

Jan 6/2008

Added a couple of books
Posted more verse-by-verse audio sermons by Nap Clark (on the book of Hebrews) at his site Just good old, steady, verse-by-verse Bible teaching.


The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)