Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2006)

[Previous years' logs: 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

Dec 17/2006

Added a couple of books
Updated my Prayer requests.
[BTW, I moved all my files -- text and audio (2.5GB) to another hosting provider, so that took a while this month. I actually moved 25 domains, including the Tank.]

Nov 14/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted final audio lecture in the "Cities of Jesus' Life: History, Events, Significance". [Little visual content--more use of syllabus in this one]

Nov 7/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted fifth audio lecture in the "Cities of Jesus' Life: History, Events, Significance". [Little visual content--more use of syllabus in this one]

Oct  23/2006

Wrote a reply to a question on "was there not enough time for Hebrew to have developed?" (177K; lotsa detail on patriarchal backgrounds, btw)
And dug up some data for a follow-up question about Jesus calling the Syro-Phoenician woman a 'dog' (small).

Oct  18/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted fourth audio lecture in the "Cities of Jesus' Life: History, Events, Significance". [Less visual content--more use of syllabus in this one]

Oct 8/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted third audio lecture in the "Cities of Jesus' Life: History, Events, Significance" ). Used the ultra-kule 3D HolyLand flyover software--amazing stuff! (DEAD LINK)

Sep 26/2006 
Posted second audio lecture in the "Cities of Jesus' Life: History, Events, Significance" Leland Home Bible Studies.

Sep 24/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted first audio lecture in the "Cities of Jesus' Life: History, Events, Significance".

Added a question I got on Why couldn't Israel take in the Amalekites like the women/children of war in Deut 20? (not linked or indexed yet).

Added a couple of books

Updated my Prayer requests.

Sept 2/2006

Added just some email exchanges I have had, some apologetics-related but several not (or only 'semi-')...

Apologetics-oriented (mostly just minor corrections or clarifications):

Non-or-less apologetic questions (in the Mailbag):

Added a couple of books
Added a couple of links to the Travelog.

Aug 17/2006
Added a couple of books

Posted verse-by-verse audio sermons by Nap Clark (on the book of Ephesians) at his site Just good old, solid, verse-by-verse Bible teaching.

[Not getting much done, still--and now I have the next 6 months of 06 sorta dedicated to another Tank-related project... but I don't expect much Tank postings in H2--so much for my "ten year plan", eh...]

July 6/2006
Updated the piece on the Problems in the Gospel Genealogies, in the Messianic Prophecies series.

July 3/2006
Added a couple of books

June 23/2006

Finally added a new Letter to Readers in the Letters to Readers (smile)

June 11/2006
Added a couple of books

Put up a menu-shell for a new series on "Is Theism/Religion simply a 'misuse' of some evolution-created capability?" (many of the above books are for that series).

I am doing a lot of reading, but very little writing (obviously), because I am trying to respond to several rebuttals/pushbacks/criticisms to some of my more important pieces. I am currently trying to revise the nextseat.html piece ("Long-winded, presentation for the faith..."), and I cannot do that piecemeal... Responding to rebuttals is very time-consuming, since I have to re-learn all the original material in the process--

May 13/2006

Posted the brochure for the Kid's Summer Camp of Nap Clark (one camper for the younger crowd; one for the older--K12); also added some more audio lessons of his (Book of Romans) to the site.
Added a couple of books
In the process of updating my Prayer requests.

Apr 11/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted final (6th) audio lecture in the "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).

Apr 4/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted 5th audio lecture (one left to go) in the "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).

Added a couple of books

Mar 28/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted 4th audio lecture in the "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).

Mar 21/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted third audio lecture in the "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).
March 17/2006

I just rebuilt the Weaving the Message of Jesus into our Words and Work: Christians at the Office audio class, from RealAudio to MP3s and Windows Media. No change in content, nor improvement in audio quality (smile)--sorry.

The index is at: catoindex2.html

[It is linked to from the Travelog.]

Mar 14/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted second audio lecture in the "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).

Added a little question I got on Ishmael, Muslims, Hostility (not linked or indexed yet).

Mar 07/2006

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Posted first audio lecture in the "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).

Feb 24/2006

Lost all of January to work (updating 750 trends PPT slides!), and spent all of February preparing for a March/April home bible study on syllabus/outline for "Holy Week: Background, Sequence, Significance" (pre-Easter study).

No real Tank work--but started on a Resurrection piece yesterday (evaluating the notion that the first Easter was about a spiritual (as in "non-physical") resurrection)--hopefully get done over this next month. (But I am sick with a bad cold/flu now, and have a biztrip next week--). Plus, I had tons of non-Tank volunteer-work as well these past two months (various local groups).

Added a couple of books

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)