Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2005)

[Previous years' logs: 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

Dec 31/2005

Added a couple of books

Dec 26/2005

Added a couple of links to the Travelogue

Dec 24/2005

Added some smaller questions/replies to the Letters from Readers.:

Dec 23/2005

Added some sweet feedback letters to the Letters from Readers.

Dec 20/2005

Added a couple of books

Dec 10/2005

Updated the download page.

Dec 9/2005

Posted the FINAL piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)... This one contains Final Remarks (gilgy11.html)

Dec 2/2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)... This one deals with Residual cosmogonic literary data (gilgy08.html), which concerns the non-Genesis (allegedly) cosmogonic texts Psalms (with Leviathan, Yam, dragons, etc...)

Nov 22/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

The final/fourth audio lecture in the The Story behind the Christmas Story 4-part series. [Deals mostly with biblical background of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus.]

Nov 20/2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)... This one deals with Tigay's Methodological objection to arguing 'from differences' (gilgy10.html)

Added a couple of books

Nov 15/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the third (of 4--we added another session) audio lecture in the The Story behind the Christmas Story 4-part series. [Deals mostly with biblical background of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus.]

Nov 8/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the second (of 3) audio lecture in the The Story behind the Christmas Story 3-part series. [Deals mostly with biblical background of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus.]

Nov 1/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the first (of 3) audio lecture in the The Story behind the Christmas Story 3-part series. [Deals mostly with biblical background of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus.]

Oct 29, 2005

Okay, just finished with the week-by-week travel schedule. It will slow up just a little for the next two months. So, I wrote up my 'editorial calendar' of HOPES-PLANS for the Tank output (cttplans.html).

Oct 17, 2005

Updated the download page.

Oct 16/2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with the Flood Traditions (Atrahasis/Gilgamesh) (gilgy09.html) NB: this is a BIG FILE: 319K (done in OpenOffice, even!; 66 pages when I print it from IE).

[I still have a couple of more weeks of travel, been traveling every week since the end of August--hard to get as much done as I would like]

Oct 11/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Oct 8/2005

[So busy traveling--every week so far since the last update, continuing on to mid-Nov. Not home enough for the bible studies, but making SOME good progress on the Gilgamesh Epic installment--but it will be a very long piece when it makes it out--sigh]

Added a couple of books

Aug 30/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Aug 23/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Aug 16/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Aug 13/2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with the Canaanic Cosmogonic Materials (gilgy07b.html) .

Aug 06/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

July 30/2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with the Egyptian Cosmogonic Materials (gilgy07a.html).

Jul 26/2005

Added a couple of books

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Jul 12/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Jul 5/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

Jul 4/2005

Added about 30 more pages of analysis, responses to pushbacks, and a macro-summary to "Why can't God just forgive sin, without any punishment stuff?" ...(whew)

June 29/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added the next audio lecture in the Listening to the Psalms series.

June 25/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added a PBC lecture from the spring of 2005 to the consolidated page (off-site) for Audio/Video lectures.

Updated my prayer requests.

June 13/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Created a consolidated page (off-site) for Audio/Video lectures. Includes several new/unposted audio clips (and one video clip), plus the second-in-the-series Listening to the Psalms bible study session (we mostly got through Psalm 1). Busy time here.

June 9/2005

NOTE: All audio and video files (including the below) are accessed now through a different menu/location.

Added a link to the syllabus/audio for a home bible study I am doing here in Leland, called Listening to the Psalms (files are large MP3, so they are all off-Tank. We will meet 2-3 times per month. First entry is almost all historical background.

May 30, 2005

Posted the next (very short) piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with the Akkadian Dunnu Theogony (gilgy06.html).

May 28, 2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with the cosmogonic material in Enuma Elish (gilgy05.html).

April 22, 2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with the cosmogonic material (not the flood material) in the Akkadian Atrahasis (gilgy04.html).

April 22, 2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with Akkadian Minor Cosmogonies (gilgy03.html)

April 16, 2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with Sumerian works in the Eridu tradition (gilgy02.html).

Mar 30, 2005

Added 6 more "Lessons I have Learned"

Mar 22, 2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one deals with Sumerian literature from the Nippur tradition (gilgy01.html).

Added some personal sites I built/maintain for causes/artists around where I live, to the travelog .

Feb 27, 2005

A short answer to a question about God's use of circumcision (not indexed yet)

Feb 22, 2005

Updated my prayer requests.

Added a couple of books

Feb 20, 2005

Posted the next piece in "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...This one (gilgy00.html) deals with Enki and Ninhursag, Dilmun, the 'rib' issue in the original objection, etc (plus the methodology)...

Feb 5, 2005

Started a new series ("O, no!!!) on "Is Genesis merely a rip-off of other ANE lit?" (on "alleged" borrowing from Gilgamesh, etc)...

Feb 1, 2005

Added some more material in the Conclusion of "But isn't Penal Substitution actually Illegal or Immoral?" (be warned: now 348K)

Jan 26, 2005

Just minor additions/edits to the FAQ

Updated the download page.

Put some more family/personal pics up in the Personal Data page.

Jan 21/2005

Added more material to "Why can't God just forgive sin, without any punishment stuff?" (tired smile)...

Just did the massive rewrite of "But isn't Penal Substitution actually Illegal or Immoral?" (be warned: 320K, 62 pages in IE, 73 pages in FireFox)

(will do index rebuilds for these over the weekend)...

Jan 2/2005

Added an EXHAUSTING LOT of new (philosophical/theological) material to "Why can't God just forgive sin, without any punishment stuff?" (tired smile)...

Added a couple of books,

Planning a major re-wire of "But isn't Penal Substitution immoral?" next...

[Happy New Year, friends!]

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)