Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2004)

[Previous years' logs: 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

Oct 31/2004

Added a new article on "But isn’t “Penal Substitution” actually illegal (if not immoral)??" (65k).

Added some new material to "Why can't God just forgive sin, without any punishment stuff?"

Oct 6/2004

Added a couple of books,

Added a small clarification on the God-Omnipotence-BigRock problem ("aren't you sorta misusing the term Omnipotence?"),

and a tiny piece on "is the Bible "as violent" as the Quran/Hadith?"

Sep 3/2004

Added a small piece on does Micah 5 speak about the birth-place of the Messiah, or only His birth-family?

Added a couple of books, and the recommended booklist.

Updated the prayer requests.

August 4, 2004

Updated my prayer requests.

August 2, 2004

Added A couple of books

Created "one-big-pdf" printout of all the Women in the Heart of God series, for easy download of the whole thing.

July 31, 2004

I tried to record those Sunday messages (see July 26 below) on a voice-recorder in my shirt pocket, but because I wore a coat, the audio quality is VERY uneven (un-usable, in some cases). But if you use the Syllabi (below, see July 26), you can follow along with MOST of it on the first one (God the Rest-Giver), but I only have the first HALF of the second message (God the Peace-Giver). Sorry, but maybe something in these might be useful to someone. [Note--they are NOT streaming audio files, they are DOWNLOADS only.]

They can be accessed from the AUDIO and VIDEO menu.

July 29, 2004

Finally wrote up (most of) a Letter, in the Letters from the Man behind the Curtains.

July 26, 2004

I have been working on this thing since APRIL, and am only half little time, it seems...but I continue to continue (smile): PART ONE of are all the past great non-Christian religious leaders who REJECTED Christ languishing in Hell right now? (227KB in StarOffice!; 48pages on my printer.) But most of it is prolegomena to the question...

I got to preach in a couple of churches yesterday for an old friend--here's the two syllabi (PDF's): God the Rest-Giver and God the Peace-Maker.

I have a letter outlined, but haven't had the time to write it up...maybe latter this week, while I am on the road travelling...

June 20/2004

Changed my prayer requests.

Added some new material to "Why can't God just forgive sin, without any punishment stuff?"

Added some new photos.

May 21/2004

Still totally consumed by work--no original work (fairly discouraged at this point).

But, I did get to satisfy a couple of long-standing requests: for me to convert the RealMedia versions of my Sunday School Lectures to MP3s for download--it's a gigabyte of Web Hosting space (smile)... Here's the link.

Added A couple of books

April 20/2004

Just wanted to share the tiny firstfruits of a new recreational toy (Korg Triton LE, Digidesign Pro Tools, etc) with my dear friends out there...a couple of bars of “My first memory of heaven” (MP3).

April 17/2004

Just went through some e-letters in backlog to me...and wanted to post some of the sweet feedback God uses on me...

April 12/2004

A few very short pieces (from email backlog):

“Should the possible addition of John 8.1-11 make us paranoid about other possible inauthentic 'additions'?

“Isn't Jesus admitting that the Unpardonable sin could be committed today?

“I am afraid my Occult background has led me into the Unpardonable sin?

“Isn't there a “God part of the Brain” that proves all this Jesus stuff is untrue?

“Why do we think God is good (for a kid)?

“Was there a textual corruption cover-up over Daniel 8.14?

“Is there extra-biblical evidence for Post-flood longevity?

(These are not in the Topical Index yet)

April 11/2004

Just added a brief letter to the Letters from the Man behind the Curtain.

Mar 18/2004

Added another pushback (at the end) to Slavery in the Old Testament.

Added another pushback on the Female Apostle in Women in the Heart of God.

Added A couple of books

Feb 16, 2004

Posted a major update to Slavery in the Old Testament.

Added some material on the Female Apostle in Women in the Heart of God.

Added/changes a little material on Jephthah's 'rash vow' in Women in the Heart of God.

Put a couple of links in the Travelogue.

Jan 17, 2004

Just added a next installment Joshua to the low-brain-activity-level feature (work is still fairly well consuming much of my energy, time, brain reserves): "Notes from the Edge of my Bible"

Put a couple of links to reviews of the Da Vinci Code in the Travelogue.

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)