Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2003)

[Previous years' logs: 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996(most of it), and 1995(most of it).]

December 23, 2003

Added a short little email exchange/piece on Was First Thess 2.15ff seriously anti-Semitic??!!; to the Hallway of Questions:

A couple of books  dribbled in today

December 21,2003

Nothing much... just getting caught up on my books: Got A couple of books . (now I just need time to read/use them...sigh)  

and Happy Holidays to all.

November 23,2003 

Added a piece on Was God being cruel in the killing of the Firstborn at the Exodus?; (50k) 

Updated the piece on Why can't God just forgive sin, instead of doing justice?;

November 3, 2003 

Added a personal letter to the Man behind the Curtains

October 31, 2003

Added a question on Does being born in a Western culture unfairly predetermine that you will become a Christian?;

October 14, 2003  

Got A couple of books recently.  

Finally eked out a little update to the Trinity piece, in the sections on the data about echad ('one') and elohim ('god').

Sept 9/2003  
Got A couple of books recently.  

Added a couple of email exchanges--discussing problems in two good-souled people's view of God's heart. In the Mailbag.

July 20/2003  

Got A couple of books recently.

Added a couple of small pieces to the Hallway of Questions:

Added a couple of questions to the Mailbag:

Added my responses to some Questions on my Life-View from a friend, in the Personal Data section.  

Not much output--only been home one week out of this past quarter (and had to use it for catch-up)...still needing prayer on this, folks, for energy, output, and fruitfulness.

June 1,2003

May 18, 2003  

May 10, 2003  

Been more-or-less consumed with the job start-up stuff, filling my head with Trends in Technology stuff... not much writing, but hopefully 'discretionary bandwidth' will emerge after another month or so...[starting to work again on the Competing Revelations series though...getting cranked back up on that one recently... several 'urgings' from the]  

April 26, 2003    
Added the third installment on "How non-Jesus was Paul, really?"--dealing mostly with Paul, his opponents, his rhetoric, and the 'Jerusalem leadership" [144k]

(not much produced--the new job ramp-up, plus being away from my resources 80% of the time, has ground the output down to a trickle...hopefully I can get caught-up and off the ramp within another month or two.)

Mar 18/2003  

Added a theodicy-related question: Would the culpability of human non-intervention in violent crime imply that God's non-intervention (due to theodicy reasons) was proof that God was either malevolent or impotent?[84k]

Mar 5/2003  

Just added a next installment (Deut) to the low-brain-activity-level feature (STILL using most of the brain for the in-process interview cycle for a CTO-type job--I appreciate your continued prayers for His perfect and good-hearted will to be done.): "Notes from the Edge of my Bible"

Mar 1/2003  

 Made the (obvious) changes to the front page/entrance, in hopes of increased usability and lowered maintenance hassles. (Cleaned up a few files in the process, too)
Added some more material to "Does the NT contradict the Hebrew Bible by saying that the 'eternal law' has been annulled or changed?
(now 490K)
Updated my prayer requests.

(I intend to go through the larger files of the Tank, filled with "Save as web" bloat, and try to 're-save' using Open Office ( I have noticed that it reduces file sizes (for me) by at least an order of magnitude (sometimes 1.5x))

Feb 24/2003  

Added an important piece on "Does the NT contradict the Hebrew Bible by saying that the 'eternal law' has been annulled or changed? (434K)

[I will link it into the indices later this week--I just wanted to the draft up soon--it's been cooking a while]

Feb 17/03    
Just added a next installment (Leviticus) to the low-brain-activity-level feature (STILL using most of the brain for the in-process interview cycle for a CTO-type job, final interviews are this week--I think--smile--I appreciate your continued prayers for His perfect and good-hearted will to be done.): "Notes from the Edge of my Bible" in the Lessons I have Learned section (basically, tables of minor observations of mine, written in the margins of my bible--nothing heavy or surprising there, probably).

[I AM working on something heavier--and have all the research and outlining done for it, but have been working non-stop on tech-update issues. I HOPE to get to the article this next weekend--It's a real exciting/important one (suspense, but I have been de-railed before on pre-announced 'products' so I will wait until its posted before I announce it...(wise chuckle).]

Bought two books since last October--great ones, actually.
Updated my prayer requests.

Jan 18/03

Jan 13/2003  

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)