Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (2001)

[Previous years' logs: 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996 (most of it), and 1995 (most of it).]

December 24, 2001


Added a seventh installment to  Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments, dealing with Did the evangelists invent miracle stories about Jesus, after the fashion of Hellenistic divine miracle-workers, in order to 'sell Jesus' to them better?


December 10, 2001


Added a sixth installment to  Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments, dealing with Did the evangelists mean their writings to be taken as historical fiction or as a historical novel?

December 5, 2001


Added a fifth installment to  Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments, dealing with Did the evangelists create miracle stories about Jesus, as the later rabbis seemed to do about each other?

December 1, 2001


Updated my prayer requests.

Added a reply to a dear question about the 'paganicity' of Christmas trees.

Added a letter to the Letters from the Man behind the Curtain

Added a response to someone's being so fatigued at sin




November 28, 2001


Added a fourth installment to  Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments, dealing with Did the evangelists 'free create' miracle stories about Jesus, after some Midrashic fashion?



November 2, 2001


Added a third installment to  Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments, dealing with Did the evangelists invent miracle claims in honor of their dead leader, like others did about Graeco-Roman rulers?"



October 12, 2001


Added a short discussion on Jesus' clearing of the Temple as possible evidence that He was not as 'non-violent' as I stated in my small letter for my Muslim friends

October 9, 2001


Added a second installment to  Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments, dealing with Did the Greeks/Romans "believe" their myths, and what would be the implications of that for the gospel authors?"


October 4,2001


Started a long, long series on Did the evangelists/disciples invent the miracles stories of Jesus? in the Hall of Arguments…first installment was on "Did they write the gospels as intentional myth?"…been wanting to write this for a couple of years, and it will likely take me the next 6 months to finish this important series.



September 25, 2001


Added an important piece on "is there evidence for the existence of 'spirits' and some 'spiritual dimension'?" (166k) to the  Hallway of Questions



September 18, 2001




September 15, 2001


Added a small letter for my Muslim friends and readers.



September 12, 2001


Someone asked me to put down my thoughts about the horror of yesterday…it's just a blurt of numbness, though



September 10, 2001


·        Added a gigantic letter/series (75 pages or so) on a number of questions dealing with belief…responding to a skeptical/atheist friend…


I also purchased three new domain names, so it is easier to point people to the Christian Think Tank (many people couldn’t get the inner hyphen/dash right…smile). So, ,, and  all point the Tank, at the introductory welcome.html page…


August 13/15, 20001


·        Added the syllabus for my upcoming class at PBC on Christus Victor: Triumph over the Powers, in the Great Irruption.


August 1, 2001


Added the outline for the Sunday School lesson on “tactics for dealing with pride” from this past week, in the Lessons section.


July 27, 2001


No content stuff…been doing the mentally-exhausting work thing every day…

·        Add a couple of pix of my kids (and one of my two favorite ladies in the world…)

·        Added some books

·        Added a page for people to download the entire Tank onto their systems (free)

·        Put links to my business content sites (REMOVED) :


June 20, 2001


Posted a major update to my piece on “Did God like what Jehu did or not? Another contradiction?!”


June 14, 2001


Added a piece on “Doesn’t God order wives to ‘obey’ their husbands?” to the Women in the Bible Pushbacks section.



June 13, 2001


Added a personal letter to the Letters from the Man behind the Curtain.

(Plus, made tons of reference links point to the Book Abbreviations!)




June 5, 2001


Finished the major (badly needed) update to part One of the CopyCat Saviors article… posted the second piece tonight.



May 29,2001


Added a major (badly needed) update to part One of the CopyCat Saviors article…the second piece I hope to have up by end of this week…

Added some books


May 20, 2001


Added a small piece on Are the laws in the OT about rape and virginity indicative of a God who is either unfair to women (or maybe even just unrealistic/ignorant)? [119k] to the Hallway of Questions



May 17, 2001

Added a difficult piece on Was God abnormally cruel to the Midianites in Numbers 31? [177k] to the Hallway of Questions

[can you tell from my recent posting history that I am currently unemployed?…smile]



May 13, 2001

Added a piece on Does complexity REALLY require a ‘more complex’ cause? to the Hallway of Questions.

Added a couple of light bulbs jokes dealing with that subject matter…


May 9, 2001


Added a short piece on Did God misogynistly give David’s wives to be raped by Absalom? (13kb) to the Hallway of Questions

Added a couple of books (one from my Amazon Wishlist, described in helpfund.html—thanks!)




May 7, 2001


Added a few more mini-lessons in Lessons I have learned over the years…in prep for teaching at PBC starting soon…

Added a short letter to someone asking about second chances with a gracious God (after deep personal failure)…smile…in the Mailbag.



Apr 27, 2001


Added a pushback on "Doesn't Genesis 3 teach that God punished women with increased pain in childbirth?" to Does female "pain-prone" reproductive physiology indicate that God apparently hates women?


Apr 26, 2001

Added a question on Does female "pain-prone" reproductive physiology indicate that God apparently hates women? (145k) To the Women in the Heart of God overview of objections.



Apr 5, 2001

·         Added a three-part question to the Hallway of Questions:

1.      Does God's judgment in time unfairly compromise someone's 'free will'?

2.      How likely is it that Noah was the only righteous person on the whole earth, at the time of the Flood?

3.      Doesn't Paul's argument in Romans 9 pretty clearly indicate that people's free choices are determined by God--without consideration of free will, etc.?

·         Added some books

·         (off traveling again for two weeks...)

Mar 3, 2001

·         Scrambling, gone to Israel/Jordan until March 18th...

Feb 9/2001

·         Updated my prayer requests

·         Added some books [end-of-year buying spree, somewhat related to tax issues]

[I will have to do a personal update next week or so--it's been sorta rough since the New Year...I'll explain later...]

The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)