Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (1999)
[Previous years' logs: 1998, 1997,
(most of it), and 1995 (most of it).]
Dec 30, 1999
Nov 6, 1999
Are 1st and 2nd Peter NOT by Peter, but by
someone using his name? (Nov 6/1999, 56k and 23k) to the Hallway
of Arguments.
Oct 31, 1999
Added a (modified) update letter to the
from the man behind the curtain.
Oct 25, 1999
added a short piece on "Wasn't Elisha very cruel
when he sent those bears against those little kids who were teasing him
about being bald? [RETIRED -- REPLACED BY QNU_meanElisha.html]
Oct 18, 1999
Added a question on Does the Secret Gospel of
Mark prove the Church suppressed/hid the truth at will? [Oct 18/1999,
31k] to the Hallway of Arguments.
Oct 10, 1999
Added some more books.
Added an long, confused prayer/update
letter to the
Letters from the man behind the
Sept 14, 1999
I updated the "Long-winded, long-titled, etc. argument
for the faith"...I had gotten a couple of suggestions from believers,
and one criticism from a skeptic, about starting off the with assumption
of God in point 1. So, I added a little bit of justification there, removed
a couple of comments I no longer believe, and added some links to the Tank...For
those of you who circulated the old one and do NOT like the new one any
better, I will leave the older one up at [REMOVED]
Minutia: I uploaded the front and back
images of 'business cards' I made this past week for the Tank [GIF's
here: front, back]. I
print these on inkjet business cards, then give them to friends, put them
on an occasional windshield in parking lots, and include them when I pay
I added a couple of more "composite unity" (ehad) passages in the "Plurality
in the OT" page.
Sept 2, 1999
Aug 31, 1999
Aug 26, 1999
Aug 24, 1999
From the Belief Surveys, I just posted some of the more
noteworthy responses, in the
Aug 23, 1999
Over the past two weeks, I ground through some two thousand emails, filing
questions and feedback. I just posted some of the feedback pieces in the
Aug 4, 1999
Added three short pieces on biblical topics (taking a break for a couple
of days from predation!) to the Hallway of Questions
, which demonstrate the need for being careful about making arguments from
'the original languages' and checking your teachers' historical facts:
Jul 28, 1999
Jul 23, 1999
Added a brief piece on a question about Polygamy
in the New Testament, to the Hallway of Questions.
(I will update the Master Index when I get a moment!)
Jul 22, 1999
Sorta obvious what I have been doing, eh?...I changed the front, added
a 260K keyword index, and started on an outline-index
of some of the objections I have received at the Tank over the years
(not nearly complete, not completely answered--but a start).
Jul 18, 1999
Jul 6, 1999
Jun 14, 1999
May 5, 1999
April 12, 1999
Added a letter
to the Letters from the man behind the curtain.
Added a couple of names to my Thanks list.
Updated my Prayer Requests.
Put a few more links in My Travelogue
Started a new "speculative metaphysics" and/or theological prolegomena
feature: "The Black and Blue Books"
I bought only two books (both OUTSTANDING), but haven't added them to all
my books files:
The God Who Risks: A Theology of Providence, John Sanders, IVP:1998.
What About those who have Never Heard: Three Views on the Destiny of
the Unevangelized, John Sanders (ed.), IVP:1995.
Mar 8, 1999
Feb 13, 1999
From: The
Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference