Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (1997)
Dec 28, 1997
Dec 14, 1997
Nov 29, 1997
Nov 23, 1997
Nov 11, 1997
Nov 9, 1997
Oct 11, 1997
Sept 30, 1997
Aug 31, 1997
Aug 22, 1997
Aug 6, 1997
July 27, 1997
July 23, 1997
July 20, 1997
June 23, 1997
(just finishing the rest of the posting from yesterday...)
Added several letters/questions to the Mailbag.
Put a few more links in My
June 22, 1997
June 14, 1997
May 27, 1997
May 17, 1997
April 28, 1997
April 8, 1997
Mar 29, 1997
Added a link to what I consider to be an incisive, and decisive, Rebuttal
to The Jury is In. I HIGHLY recommend this on-going work...
Mar 28, 1997
Mar 18, 1997
(just finishing the rest of the posting from yesterday...)
a small posting of some Mail/Letters
and a few really short Tough
made some minor 'autobiographical deletions' from various pieces...
Mar 17, 1997
Mar 09, 1997
Bought a couple more Books
over the past several months--just now adding them..
Added a new feature: My
Travelogue--sites I have visited recently which might of interest/use
to visitors...
I updated my Plans again.
Put Emma's New,
Improved, Directory to the Tank up!
Mar 05, 1997
Feb 16, 1997
Feb 14, 1997
Feb 9, 1997
Bought a couple more Books.
Put a mechanism in for glossary capability, but I NEED your help
to populate it.
Feb 8, 1997
Jan 25, 1997
Jan 20, 1997
Added an new section on the Front page on external links--with the first
one for all the "16 Crucified Saviors" and "Jesus the Copycat" fans--[LINK REMOVED] Was
the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Religions?" by Dr. Ronald H.
Bought two more Books.
Added a couple of new Light-Bulb
Jokes about the Jesus Seminar.
[sorry, not much of a revision--been working on the finishing touches to
the section of women
and the bible about Paul's alleged "Sit down and shut up" view of women(!)--writing
up my understanding the difficult passages now...]
Jan 5, 1997
Jan 2, 1997
From: The
Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference