Revision History -- The Christian ThinkTank (1995)
(I lost the entries for Nov through the end of December...sorry)
Nov 2, 1995
Oct 8, 1995
Sept 29, 1995
Sept 20, 1995
Added the SECOND
part of a larger response to James Still's response to my "Bias?" article.
Bought some more books.
Sept 10, 1995
Added the first
part of a larger response to James Still's response to my "Bias?" article.
Bought some more books.
Added an appeal for help--I need a volunteer
to help me build a Question Directory for the Tank...
Added a new personal letter,
and a letter of thanks.
Added some recent
feedback from readers on the Thinktank.
Added a minor piece the philosophy The
Linguistic Wall .
Aug 30/95
July 25/95
July 20/95
Finished the piece on Typology...dealt
with the issues of its relation to metaphor and precision.
July 13/95
June 30/95
Added some data from Numbers into the transmission
of the OT section.
Added several new groups to the Info on Other Christian Groups
Broke the recent philosophy
piece into smaller chucks, and added reference numbers to the paragraphs--to
facilitate debate.
Changed the Plans again!
June 27/95
Posted the what-I-think-is-the-last section on How
we Got our OT--on the Wisdom literature and the issue of what all did
Israel 'Borrow' from the "pagan" cultures around her.
June 17/95
Posted the next-to-the-last section on How
we Got our OT--on special issues surrounding Atrahasis, Hittite treaty
forms, Balaam's oracles, Israel's knowledge of Canaanite religion, etc.
June 15/95
June 12/95
I GOT A SEARCH FORM CAPABILITY! YES! You can now search the Thinktank for
keywords and numbers! (It seems a bit flaky, but it more or less works!)
Try it!
June 11/95
May 23/95
May 13/95
The Christian ThinkTank...[]
(Reference Abbreviations)