I need a little advice. I just became a Christian last year, my family isn't very religious at all. I have been trying to witness to them slowly but surely. My mom seems to be more than interested but I don't know how
to get through to my brother. Not to long ago he and I used to be very close, but now that I have become a Christian he can hardly stand to be in the same room as me. I listen to Christian music, thats it, and it drives him crazy. He says that I am not living my own life, a book is living it, and that I have no mind of my own. He tells me how weak and narrow minded I
am for being a Christian and that I need to open my eyes. If I do one thing
wrong he tells me what a bad Christian I am and that God wouldn't appreciate that, but then he will turn around and say that there is no such thing as God so why bother believing. I love my brother with my whole heart. No matter how much he can't stand me, is there something I can do? Anything to help him to see what God is really all about, that I'm not this boring no good Christian? Please, any advice is welcome.
Dear Glenn,
I replied:
I think the main thing is for you to pursue YOUR relationship with God, to the point that the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22-23) become so obvious to him that he will secretly begin to want what you have...that is how most of us 'got in'--we saw something beautiful in someone else's life...and that started the process...You might also point out the 'book' only gives you guidelines (many of which are OBVIOUS) and that you still have TONS of decision making to do in how to apply it...[I personally WISH it were as simple as having everything written down for me--I personally would settle for even 25% of it being that 'automatic'!, but nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo...God wants us to think, and to develop, and to become wise and robust...(smile)]
also, it might be worth pointing out the WIDE, WIDE variety of Christian lifestyles, esp. music...from 'regular' to Christian Death Metal, Grindcore, etc...
God is interested in make our hearts happy and beautiful, not very much in how we 'look'...
But the main thing is for you to lose yourself in your relationship with the Lord...and His sweet love may eventually 'melt your brother's heart'...it worked for me, actually...I had a younger brother that I 'worked on' for years (probably did more bad than good, with the way I was back then!), but he finally saw the heart of God and he is an incredibly strong disciple of Jesus Christ today!
Hope this helps,