On Sun, 23 Jul 1995, XXX wrote:
Basically I'm wondering how to account for all the different
understanding's of how the Christian life is supposed to look, feel
and smell? like. And the relationships between doctrine and the
world view of the common man. I'm not so much concerned about
that it happened(ed) but interested in the dynamics of *how*
it happens.
Martin Luther's quote is one of my all-time favorites..."Love God and
live as you please"--but only in that order!
Paul said 4 times in I Cor "all things are permissible for me", and then
he qualified each of these with some situational constraints....
We have to be careful NOT to reduce a personal relationship to a formulaic, mechanistic "key to the Christian life ix X" program...
Clearly some aspects of Christianity evolved or rather emerged
over time.(including gentiles etc.) Did this process ever stop.
We many times think of the Christian life as a journey on an individual
level. Does this apply at Church level through history.
Are efforts
to get back to the way the "Early church did it" misdirected?
But more to your point, probably so...what we want is the zeal/purity of the early church (mostly--but lately I realized that it NEVER was pure...the I Cor debacles and the events in Acts 5 demonstrate that), with the hard-fought gains that God has made in the church over the centuries...
On the other hand:
We seem to project our understanding of reality back into the
scriptures creating doctrine which reinforces the view of reality.
enshrining our errors for generations to come.
However, even God will only put with error just so long--before He splits off the 'living group' from the 'dead group'...Our errors MAY get enshrined, but after a while (as they fade and lose power), people stop coming to the shrines!