Books in
my library on Historical Method, Theory, and Practice (sorted by publication
date) |
Historiography |
[EAMH] |
Essays in
Ancient and Modern Historiography, Arnaldo Momigliano, Wesleyan: 1975. |
1975. |
Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography, Arnaldo Momigliano,
Wesleyan: 1975. |
1975. |
[HI:WWH] |
Wit and the Writing of History: The Rhetoric of Historiography
in Imperial Rome. Paul Plass. UWisc:1988. |
1988. |
[CFMH] |
The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography, Arnaldo
Momigliano, U of Ca: 1990. |
1990. |
The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography, Arnaldo
Momigliano, U of Ca: 1990. |
1990. |
[HAMM] |
Medieval, and Modern, Ernst Breisach, Univ.Chicago: 1994(2nd Ed)1994. |
1994. |
Medieval, and Modern, Ernst Breisach, Univ.Chicago: 1994(2nd Ed)1994. |
1994. |
Luke-Acts & New Testament Historiography, Joel Green and
Michael McKeever, Baker: 1994. (A biblio on the subject.) 1994. |
1994. |
Luke-Acts & New Testament Historiography, Joel Green and
Michael McKeever, Baker: 1994. (A biblio on the subject.) 1994. |
1994. |
[HI:CTH] |
Companion to Historiography. Michael Bentley (ed).
Routledge:1997. |
1997. |
[OT:ISH] |
Insearch of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the
Origins of Biblical History, John Van Seters, Eisenbrauns: 1997. |
1997. |
Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography, John
Marincola, CambridgeUpress:1997. |
1997. |
History and Historical Writing in Ancient Israel: Studies in
Biblical Historiography. Tomoo Ishida. Brill:1999. |
1999. |
[HI:JPH] |
Josephus & the Politics of Historiography: Apologetic and
Impression Management in the Bellum Judaicum. Gottfried Mader. Brill:2000. |
2000. |
[HI:HCW] |
Historiography in the Cuneiform World. Abusch, Beaulieu,
Huehnergard, Machinist, Steinkeller (eds). CDL:2001. |
2001. |
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography. Mario
Liverani (with intro/ed by Zainab Bahrani and Marc Van De Mieroop).
Cornell:2004. |
2004. |
Jesus and His Death: Historiography, the Historical Jesus, and
Atonement Theory. Scot McKnight. BaylorUP:2005. |
2005. |
[NT:THJ] |
The Historiographical Jesus: Memory, Typology, and the Son of
David. Anthony Le Donne. BaylorUP:2009. |
2009. |
Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic
Interactions. John Miller and AJ Woodman (eds). Brill:2010. |
2010. |
[HI:ROJ] |
The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach.
Michael R Licona. IVPacademic:2010. |
2010. |
The Divine in Acts and in Ancient Historiography. Scott Shauf.
Fortress:2015. |
2015. |
Usages of the Past in Roman Historiography. Aske Poulsen and
Arne Jonsson (eds). Brill:2021. |
2021. |
Methods and the Historians Craft |
Historian and Detective: Essays on Evidence, Robin W. Winks (ed.), Harper:
1969. |
1969. |
[X04:MECW] |
Miracle in the early Christian World: A study in sociohistorical
method. Howard Clark Kee. Yale:1983. |
1983. |
[HI:AWH] |
Arguing with Historians: Essays on the Historical and the
Unhistorical. Richard Nelson Current. Wesleyan UP:1987. |
1987. |
[HI:HIMink] |
Historical Understanding. Louis O. Mink. Cornell:1987. |
1987. |
[HI:HAF] |
Historia and Fabula: Myths and Legends in Historical Thought
from Antiquity to the Modern Age. Peter G. Bietenholz. Brill:1994. |
1994. |
[PH:ONN] |
Objectivity is Not Neutrality: Explanatory Schemes in History.
Thomas Haskell. JohnsHopkins:1998. |
1998. |
[HI:WAH] |
Writing Ancient History. Nelville Morley. Cornell:1999. |
1999. |
Ancient History: Key Themes and Approaches. Neville Morley.
Routledge:2000. |
2000. |
From Reliable Sources: An Introduction to Historical Methods.
Martha Howell and Walter Prevenier. Cornell:2001. |
2001. |
Oral Tradition: A Study in Historical Methodology. Jan Vansina
and HM Wright (trans). AldineTransaction:1961/2006. |
2006. |
The Craft of History and the Study of the New Testament. Beth
Sheppard. SBL:2012. |
2012. |
Oral and
Pre-history Issues |
[HI:NOP] |
Our Past: The social construction of oral history. Elizabeth Tonkin.
CambridgeUP:1992. |
1992. |
The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times.
Adrienne Mayor. Princeton:2000. |
2000. |
[HI:PPS] |
The Past in Prehistoric Societies. Richard Bradley.
Routledge:2002. |
2002. |
[HI:FFH2] |
The First Fossil Hunters--Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek
and Roman Times. Adrienne Mayor:2011. |
2011. |
Ancient Media |
Papyri, Writing Ancient History, Roger S. Bagnall, Routledge: 1995. |
1995. |
Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History. Marc van de Mieroop.
Routledge:1999. |
1999. |
Connections |
[HI:TFH] |
The First
Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History, Baruch Halpern, Penn State: 1988. |
1988. |
Torah and the Chronicler's History Work. Judson Shaver.
SBL:1989. |
1989. |
The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles. Isaac
Kalimi. Eisenbrauns:2005. |
2005. |
Historical Knowledge in Biblical Antiquity. Jacob Neusner, Bruce
Chilton, and William Scott Green (eds). Deo:2007. |
2007. |
Greek and
Roman |
The Nature
of History in Ancient Greece and Rome, Charles W. Fornara, Univ. of Calif
Press: 1983. |
1983. |
From Arrian to Alexander: Studies in Historical Interpretation.
A. B. Bosworth. Oxford:1988. |
1988. |
Fiction as History: Nero to Julian. G. W. Bowersock. Ucal:1994. |
1994. |
[HI:HAI8] |
History and Imagination: Eight Essays on Roman Culture. TP
Wiseman. UExeter: 1994. |
1994. |
[HI:GRH] |
Greek and Roman Historians--Information and Misinformation,
Michael Grant, Routledge: 1995. |
1995. |
[HI:RHM] |
Roman Historical Myths: The Regal Period in Augustan Literature.
Matthew Fox. Oxford:1996. |
1996. |
[HI:TGH] |
The Greek Historians, T.J. Luce, Routledge:1997. |
1997. |
[HI:RH] |
The Roman Historians. Ronald Mellor. Routledge:1999. |
1999. |
The Gospels |
Story as
History, History as Story: The Gospel Tradition in the Context of Ancient
Oral History. Samuel Byrskog. Brill:2002. |
2002. |
[NT:CJ] |
Constructing Jesus: Memory, Imagination, and History. Dale
Allison Jr. Baker:2010. |
2010. |
Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the
Gospels. Craig Keener. Eerdmans:2019. |
2019. |
Islam |
[WR:NIO] |
of Islamic Origins: The Beginnings of Islamic Historical Writing. Fred M
Donner. DarwinPress:1998. |
1998. |
[WR:MUQ] |
the Muqaddimah - An Introduction to History - the Classic
Islamic History of the World. Ibn Khaldun with Franz Rosenthal (trans).
PrincetonUP:2005. |
2005. |
[WR:TFM] |
The First Muslims: History and Memory. Asma Afsaruddin.
OneWorld:2008. |
2008. |
[WR:QIC] |
The Quran in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations
into the Quranic Milieu. Angelika Neuwirth, Nicolai Sinai, and Michael Marx
(eds). Brill:2010. |
2010. |
Intersections |
The Once and Future Challenge for Theology. Sheila Greeve Davaney.
Fortress:2006. |
2006. |
[TH:DHM] |
Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of
Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture Kindle Edition. James Hoffmeier
and Dennis Magary (eds). Crossway2012. |
2012. |
(alphabetic) |
D.W. Patterns in History: A Christian View. IVP: 1979. |
Block, Marc. The Historian's Craft. Vintage/Random
: 1953. |
Cairns, E.E. God and Man in Time. Baker:
1979. |
Carr, Edward Hallett. What is History? Vintage-Random:
1961. |
Conkin and Stromberg. The Heritage and Challenge of History. Dodd: 1971. |
Dray, William. Perspectives on History. Routeledge
and Keegan Paul: 1980. |
Dray, William. Philosophy of History. Prentice-Hall:
1964. |
Gardiner, Patrick. Theories of History. Free
Press/Macmillan: 1959. |
Gawronski, D.V. History: Meaning and Method. Scott, Foresman: 1969. |
Gustavson, Carl. G. A Preface to History. McGraw-Hill:
1955. |
Marsden and Roberts. A Christian View of History? Eerdmans: 1975. |
Meyerhoff, Hans (ed.). The Philosophy of History in our Time. Doubleday: 1959. |
Shafer, Robert Jones. A Guide to Historical Method. Dorsey Press: 1974. |
| |